Really! We want your voice on the site. In January 2018, Good Grief is revamping our blog to include voices from the listener community. We're looking for personal essays about your story of grief.

This isn't the home for lists of grief resources or Q&As — although the sites that run that content are equally as wonderful. Instead, we're the home for your 600-800-word essay about your story of grief, the person loss and one element of that journey of coping.

Not every story of grief is right for the podcast, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be told. The blog is an outlet for everyone.

If you're still interested in writing for us, that's great! Pitch your ideas in the forum below. We'll be in touch as soon as possible. Please note, we do know have a small team, so it might take a while to hear back. 

**Unfortunately, while having enough funds to compensate contributors is high on the priority list, the team doesn't have the resources to pay for guest contributions at the time. 


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